Child dedication is a ceremony for parents to present their child before God and the church, declaring that they will do their best to raise their child in a Christ-centered home- trusting God with their future. It is also a dedication for us as a church to commit to partner with you. We are so honored to partner with you in your journey as parents. We want to be a consistent source of encouragement and resource as you raise your child in the way that God commands us.

"We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done."
Psalm 78:4

Dedication Events

Saturday Dedication Event

This is a special child dedication celebration on a Saturday in March. This type of dedication event allows for a more personal experience for each family. Families and friends will join our church staff and leaders as we focus on making this time a special memory of the commitments made.

Family Focus Sunday

This is a special Sunday in November  with the entire service focused on families following Jesus together! During these services, we will be taking time for parents to publicly dedicate their child before the church.

Dedication F.A.Q.

What is the age limit for dedication?
Child dedications are for children of any age whose parents have decided to make this commitment.
What is the difference between "Child Dedication" and "Baptism"?
Child dedication is the commitment of parents to raise their child in a Christ-centered home, while baptism is a decision to publicly declare one's faith in Jesus.
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