Online Service Update
January 10, 2021

A Note From Pastor Joe

I wanted to make you aware that we need to move the start date for our in-person services back an additional week to next Sunday, January 17.

On Thursday, January 7, we learned that a member of our pastoral staff and their spouse have tested positive for COVID-19. Unfortunately, our whole staff was around this person for an extended period of time over the last few days and we need to quarantine through the weekend. Though we were eagerly anticipating a return to in-person worship this weekend, we know this is our smartest option, as all of our staff is involved.

So, for this Sunday, January 10, our services will be online only.

I will be sharing a message called, Winning the War Within about how we can find freedom from sin in the second installment of our series, Soul Detox.

Our staff is sincerely disappointed and we miss being together with you, our treasured church family. We would appreciate your prayers for health and strength for us and our families over these next days of quarantine.

Hope you can join us online Sunday!

In Christ's love,
Pastor Joe

Our online services can be found here
on Sunday at 9am and 11am:

Connection Kids Online Services

Our Connection Kids services will take place live on Zoom on Sunday, January 10.
Parents, please check your email for the link to this Zoom call.
If you did not receive an email with the link to the Zoom call, please email Connection Kids at