Joyous Expectation

Have you ever thought about what it would look like if sin never entered the world?
What it would be like to not know greed, loneliness, anxiety, depression, and pain?
What would it be like to love to our fullest capacity and feel joy flooding our being? What would it be like to operate at our fullest potential and truly reflect the image of God? What would our communities look like?
I imagine them to be diverse and beaming with life.
I imagine people full of joy playing music on sidewalks and children everywhere running and laughing.
I imagine clean streets and beautiful gardens on every corner for anyone and everyone to enjoy.
I imagine us, God’s people, serving each other and caring for one another in humility and sincerity.
This is what God had for us.
This is what God wants for us.
This is what God will have for us when He makes all things new. (Revelation 21:5)
But as we wait for that day, we are to emulate this now as His Church to the world. We are to show those in darkness how beautiful it is to live in the Light like we were supposed to be from the beginning. We are to be the ambassadors of the Truth and call people back into the light to be who they were created to be in Christ.
For when we are walking with Him, He is renewing us day by day and restoring us to our true selves made in His image. How beautiful is that?
How exciting it is to live a life in the fullness of God?!
How wonderful and incredible it is to think that one day we will all be fully restored to the original plan that God had for His creation.
May we hold on to this hope and allow it to help us get through the tough days that are always around the corner. May it excite us and fill us with joyful expectation and encourage us to live this way now for the dying world to see. May we hold on to the hope of eternity and rejoice in the gift of our salvation!
What it would be like to not know greed, loneliness, anxiety, depression, and pain?
What would it be like to love to our fullest capacity and feel joy flooding our being? What would it be like to operate at our fullest potential and truly reflect the image of God? What would our communities look like?
I imagine them to be diverse and beaming with life.
I imagine people full of joy playing music on sidewalks and children everywhere running and laughing.
I imagine clean streets and beautiful gardens on every corner for anyone and everyone to enjoy.
I imagine us, God’s people, serving each other and caring for one another in humility and sincerity.
This is what God had for us.
This is what God wants for us.
This is what God will have for us when He makes all things new. (Revelation 21:5)
But as we wait for that day, we are to emulate this now as His Church to the world. We are to show those in darkness how beautiful it is to live in the Light like we were supposed to be from the beginning. We are to be the ambassadors of the Truth and call people back into the light to be who they were created to be in Christ.
For when we are walking with Him, He is renewing us day by day and restoring us to our true selves made in His image. How beautiful is that?
How exciting it is to live a life in the fullness of God?!
How wonderful and incredible it is to think that one day we will all be fully restored to the original plan that God had for His creation.
May we hold on to this hope and allow it to help us get through the tough days that are always around the corner. May it excite us and fill us with joyful expectation and encourage us to live this way now for the dying world to see. May we hold on to the hope of eternity and rejoice in the gift of our salvation!
Posted in Discipleship
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