Enough One Day Event

If you were fortunate enough to be one of the 300 ladies who came to the Enough One-Day Event recently, you know that the day was truly amazing! From engaging worship to the impactful message, from the wise words of the panelists to the tangible presence of God, it was truly a life-changing day. (And if you weren’t able to make it, no worries – you can check out the event here: Enough Replay!)
After the Enough Event was over (and I got to take a nap), I began to assess the day. I’ve spent many hours replaying moments, thinking through feedback, and considering what God spoke to me in those few hours.
Here is what I’ve come up with…
After the Enough Event was over (and I got to take a nap), I began to assess the day. I’ve spent many hours replaying moments, thinking through feedback, and considering what God spoke to me in those few hours.
Here is what I’ve come up with…
Nothing is Better Than God’s Presence
Throughout the event, God was moving in the lives of all who attended. Whether in person or online, it was clear that God’s presence was among us. He was speaking through His Word. He was speaking through His servants. And, most notably, He was speaking in times of worship. There is something incredibly beautiful about hundreds of women lifting their voices to their king.
While there are many reasons to celebrate Enough One Day, the best one is that we spent time in God’s presence. Being with Jesus truly refreshes us, brings us joy, encourages us and strengthens us! (Psalm 16:11)
While there are many reasons to celebrate Enough One Day, the best one is that we spent time in God’s presence. Being with Jesus truly refreshes us, brings us joy, encourages us and strengthens us! (Psalm 16:11)
Connection Matters
This truth is built into the name of our church. Connection, to Christ and one another, matters. One of the highlights of the day was watching as women deepened old friendships and started new ones. I especially loved hearing about the ladies who attended the event online. It was set up through Zoom so they could connect with each other throughout the day… and even after the event was over, the ladies remained on Zoom for an extra half-hour!
Connection matters because no one is meant to walk through life alone. God, in His incredible graciousness, places us in community. And it’s within community that we sharpen one another, grow in faith and spur one another on. (Proverbs 27:17, Hebrews 10:23-25)
Connection matters because no one is meant to walk through life alone. God, in His incredible graciousness, places us in community. And it’s within community that we sharpen one another, grow in faith and spur one another on. (Proverbs 27:17, Hebrews 10:23-25)
Wisdom is Life-Giving
Personally, my favorite part of the day was the panel. I love a good panel… and this one was GOOD! It was such an encouragement to hear how other women have grown in their faith, walked through difficult moments and recognized this truth – Jesus is enough. From the youngest panelist, to the most seasoned, words of wisdom flowed from the stage into each ear listening.
Christ-centered wisdom will always lead to life, because it’s rooted in who Jesus is and not in ourselves. “For those who find me [wisdom] find life and receive favor from the Lord.” (Proverbs 8:35)
Overall, Enough One Day was awesome. I learned that God’s presence is always available to us, connection with other Christ-followers can happen in a variety of ways (even in a pandemic), and life-giving wisdom can be found by simply opening God’s Word.
Christ-centered wisdom will always lead to life, because it’s rooted in who Jesus is and not in ourselves. “For those who find me [wisdom] find life and receive favor from the Lord.” (Proverbs 8:35)
Overall, Enough One Day was awesome. I learned that God’s presence is always available to us, connection with other Christ-followers can happen in a variety of ways (even in a pandemic), and life-giving wisdom can be found by simply opening God’s Word.
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